Monday, September 17, 2012

week 8

4 weeks to go until race day! I am trying to keep calm, but who am I kidding right? I received my hotel confirmation from Nike Women and WHOAH!! They are putting us up at the Sir Francis Drake hotel in the heart of San Francisco 

  - no turning back if I ever had any doubts :P  When I accepted their invitation to run the Nike Women's Marathon, I was determined to stick with the training and give my very best.

Week 8 schedule:
Monday 6 mi
Tues NTC 30 min Advanced Get Toned The Edge
Wed Treadmill workout (sprinting for 4x .50) and (4x.25)
Thurs Yoga
Fri 4mi (2mi hill repeats) sprint up hill and jog down (so not looking forward to this - hills at work are short and steep grrr)
Sat long run 11 mi
Sun rest day Zzzzzz

I'll  be honest, running uphill is probably my least favourite activity on the planet. It burns!  This Friday will be a challenge as the hills here by my work are steep and short, and not the long gradual ones I'm used to on my longer runs.

Are there any songs that help you get to the top of that hill?

1 comment:

  1. I am insanely excited for the marathon and to meet all you wonderful ladies! Stay inspiring and stick with your training. It will pay off on race day!
